WE BELIEVE in joyful art.
WE BELIEVE art snobs are a bummer.
WE BELIEVE in color, especially pink.
WE BELIEVE art doesn’t have to be serious.
WE BELIEVE art is essential in school.
WE BELIEVE all children are creative.
WE BELIEVE in decorating with our children’s artwork.
WE BELIEVE art belongs in hospitals.
WE BELIEVE in the restorative and healing effects of art.
WE BELIEVE in the possibilities of open-mindedness.
WE BELIEVE in the value of adventure.
WE BELIEVE in the necessity of chocolate chip ice cream.
WE BELIEVE in moments of noticing.
WE BELIEVE in surrounding yourself with what you love.
WE BELIEVE in blowing your budget on our paintings.
WE BELIEVE art can change your mood and make your day.
WE BELIEVE art adds beauty to life